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Greathouse Point > Library > Court, Land and Probate > Herman Groethausen Homestead

Greathouse Deeds

Here you will find a collection of Deeds and other land ownership records of Greathouse individuals. If you have other deeds or land ownership records of Greathouse individuals, please submit them to Greathouse Point.

Account of Herman Groethausen's Acquisition of Land

Pennsylvania Archives
Second Series – Volume XIX
By Wm. H. Egle, MD

Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania
Book H – 1712

Page 538
Ownership History
Page 539

Page 538 - At a meeting of the Commissioners the 19th of Nov'r, 1712:
Present, Richard Hill, Isaac Norris, James Logan.
Herman Groethausen, who a few years agoe came into the Prov., having had Deeds from the Prop'r for 500 acres of Land, applied to the late Commissioners (as Some of them inform) for the s'd, upon which a warr't was prepared for him, but instead of Calling for it, he Seated himself on the Mannor of Springfield, in the County of Philad'a, which being rep'sented to the Board the Said Herman was Summoned to appear this day and produce his Authority for so Settling.

Page 539
And for this he produces a Lease under the Proprietor's hand and Seall, bearing date the 30th of the 10th, 1709, for a thousand years, and a Release dated the next day, Granting to the Said Herman for ever five hundred acres of Land Clear of all Indian Incumbrances in the Province of Pensilvania, between the Rivers of Susquehannah and Delaware, there together, w'th all and every the Proffitts, Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever unto the Same belonging, every acre to be admeasured and computed according to the Statute, 33d Edw'd 1st, Royall mines and all others excepted [This is the whole Grant], paying yearly, and the s'd Herman doth for himself and his heirs Covenant and Grant to pay yearly as a Chief or quitt rent for every acre that Shall be taken up one penny Sterl'g, to Commence within e years after Seating. But in another Paper Signed by the Prop'r, dated 30th of December, the Payment of the Said Rent is released till Seven years after Seating, and by an Indorsement on the Release of the Said 30th of 10, the Proprietor further Grants one-Twentieth part of all Royall Mines and two-fifth parts of all other mines, they paying a Proportionable part of the Charge. The Proprietor also Reserves to himself, &c., free Liberty to Search for Mines in the Said Lands and further by the Said Indorsement grants Liberty to Hawk, Hunt, Fish and fowl, &c.

This being the Sum of the whole Grant, in which no Particular Priveledge is mentioned, He is required to remove off from Said Land, otherwise he must be proceeded against without Delay.

Because the Said Herman appears a stranger to our Constitution and he has laid out most of what he had on a Settlement made upon it, The Board has Considered and are willing to grant that he may enjoy his Improvements for Some years on a Reasonable Rent, He taking up his own 500 acres elsewhere.

Page 595
Page 596

Page - 595 At a Meeting of the Commissioners the 21st 10 mo., 1715.
Present, Richard Hill, Isaac Norris, James Logan.
Herman Groethausen, late of Germany, but now of this Province, having in the year 1709 purchased of one, Coll. Rhedegelt, 9,000 a's of Land, to be laid out in this Province, upon which he repaired to London in order to transport himself and Family hither, and meeting with the Prop'r there, acquainted him with his Design. The Prop'r and he came to an agreement that upon Herman's Resigning of his Right with he purchased of Rhedegelt, he shou'd have in Lien thereof 500 acres laid out amongst the Inhabitants at the yearly Rent of one Penny Sterling p. acre, for which the said

Page - 596

Herman took short Deeds of Lease and Release, dated the 30th and 31st days of December in the said Year, and soon after arrived in this Province and laid his Deeds before the Commissioners in order to have his Land laid out, but by his Deeds mentioning no Particular Place (only between the River of Susquehannah and Delaware, for laying out the same, there cou'd be no other Warr't granted but in the Common form, which he not complying with, seated himself on the Mannor of Springfield, which soon after being made known to the Commissioners, they ordered him to remove from thence, but instead thereof he insisted on the Proprietor's Promises to him upon there agreements, and so went to England for Redress, and being now returned with some Depositions of his Resigning his Deeds for the said 9,000 acres for only 500 acres, and that at 1 Penny Sterl'g p. acre, and also with a Letter from Mrs. Hannah Penn to the Commissioners, directing them to make the said Herman Easie in his Setlement, they have thereupon ordered that 500 acres of Land be forthwith laid out to him within the said Mannor, including within the same his Improvement, and accordingly a Warrant is granted and Signed.

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