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Greathouse Point > Greathouse County > VA > Augusta

Greathouse of Augusta County, VA

Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Augusta County, VA? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point.

1774, May 24 - Letter: The Cosh, (alias John Bull) writes, dated 24 May last:

About 3 weeks ago John Jungman & myself were at Fort Pitt. On the way thither we heard that 3 Cherokee Indians going down the River had killed one Trader & wounded another, and plundered the Canoe, (the Traders had imprudently shown their Silver things, they had for trading). In the Fort we heard that the Mingoes had stolen that night 15 Horses, and that they were all gone off from below Logstown. The white people began to be much afraid of an Indian War. We hastened to get home again & after our return received the News that a Company of Virginians under one Cresop enticed some of the Mingoes living at the mouth of Yellow Creek to the other side of the River and gave them Rum to make them drunk, & then they killed 5 ; two others crossing the River to look after their Friends were shot down as soon as they came ashore. 5 more were going over the River whom they also waylaid, but the Indians perceiving them, turned their Canoe to make their Escape, but being immediately fired at two were killed and two wounded. The day following they killed 1 Shawanes & 1 Delaware Indian in a Canoe going down the River with 2 Traders. The same party killed also John Gibson's Wife, a Shawanes Woman ; they further pursued a Canoe, killed a Shawano Chief and wounded another Man. They said they would kill and plunder all which were going up or down the River. But they soon fled and left the poor settlers as Victims to the Indians, many are fled and left all their effects behind. The Mingoes took their way up Yellow Creek and struck our Road just where it turns off from the Road to Gekelemukpechiink, where they hunted for 10 days to catch some Traders, but as the Delawares had found them out, they stopt the Traders from going that Road. The Mingoes having sent word to the Shawanese, they fetched them to their Town Woakatameke, where they had a Council of War. *


1) Greathouse kith and kin implicated in massacre at Yellow Creek: Cresop


Pennsylvania Archives, Series 1, Volume 4, Pennsylvania Archives 1774, Page 499, Letter: The Cosh, (alias John Bull) wrote on Yellow Creek Massacre.


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